15 August 2009

Akhirnya kembali..

Tanggal 22/8 smua umat Islam di Malaysia akan menunaikn ibadah puasa..Kepada smua yang beragama Islam,aku ingin mngucapkn SELAMAT BERPUASA..Kepda sesiapa yg blm hbs puasa gnti,hbskn la cpt..Hehehe..Semoga ramadan kli ni lbh baik drpd ramadan yg lps..Byk2kn la amal ibadat n& bukan buat ketupat..Hehehe.. =)

15 June 2009

Assalamulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...

Dengan nama allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha

Ikhwah dan Akhawat yang di rahmati allah,

Maksud firman Allah "dan antara tanda-tanda kesyukuran
Nya Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-isteri daripada
jenis sendiri supaya kamu cenderung kepadanya dan di
jadikan antara kamu rasa kasih dan sayang"

Kasih sayang sesama makhluk perlu di pupuk sekadar
menambah keceriaan hidup,ikatan yang jujur dan tulus
ikhlas yang akan menambah semangat perjuangan
islam,selain bekorban untuk mendapat kegembiraanNya...


Percintaan di awal musim merupakan percintaan di musim
bunga yang penuh keindahan,tetapi apabila musim itu
berlalu dan kalian terlupa bersedia untuk menghadapi
musim luruh dan musim sejuk,maka kalian akan mati
kesejukan kerana terlalu memuja musim yang indah

Kalian yang di kasihi allah,

Bercintalah sekadar minum seteguk air di hari
kemarau.Dan meminumnya dengan penuh
kesabaran.Bercintalah sekadar menghirup wangian
kasturi tanpa memilikinya.Bercintalah dan berkasih
sayanglah kerana Allah dengan memupuk dan menyuburkan
ikatan itu dengan cara yang matang dan dengan kawalan
iman demi untuk keizzahan islam tercinta.....

ukhtukum fillah..

Jika kamu memancing ikan………setelah ikan itu terlekat dimata kail hendaklah kamu mengambil terus ikan itu….janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu sahaja…..kerana ia akan sakit oleh kerana bisanya ketajaman mata kail mu dan mungkin akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup… Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang…setelah ia mula menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya… janganlah sesekali kamu terus meninggalkannya begitu sahaja… kerana dia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingatimu..

kembali setelah sekian lama menyepi

Assalamualaikum smua..
akhrnya aku kmbali rajin menggunakn blog ku ni..
sebenarnya aku pn x thu nk tulis apa..
tp tulis je la apa yg aku rsa nk tulis..
mcm xde je..
2 je la yg aku nk tulis..

01 February 2009

Summary for Chapter 2

In this chapter, there are 6 subtopics; internet and webs, access, communication, search tools, electronic commerce and web utilities.

In internet and web subtopic, we can know a little bit about the history of internet and web. The internet was launched in 1969 with APARNET, the internet consists of the actual physical network made up wires, cables, and satellites. The web was introduced in 1992 at CERN, the web provides a multimedia interface to internet sources. The most common uses of the internet and web include: communication, shopping, searching, entertainment and education.

In access subtopics, there are 2 subtopics; providers and browsers. The internet service providers are connected to the internet. The most widely used ISPs are national and wireless. Connection technologies include dial-up, DSL, cable and wireless modems. Browsers access the web allowing you to surf or explore. Some related items are
• URLs – locations or addresses to web resources
• HTML – commands to display web pages hyperlinks are connections
• Applets – special programs linked to web pages.

In communication subtopics, there are 3 subtopics; e-mail, instant messaging and social networking. E-mail ( electronic mail )is the transmission of electronic messages. Instant messaging ( IM ) extends e-mail to support live communication with friends. Social networking individuals to one another. Three types are;
• Reuniting sites
• Friend – of – a – friend sites
• Common interest sites

In search tools subtopics, there are 4 subtopics; search engines, metasearch engines, specialized search engines and content evaluation. Search engines locates information on the web. Metasearch engines submit to several search engines simultaneously. Specialized search engines focus on subject- specific web sites. Content evaluation consider the following;
• Authority
• Accuracy
• Objectivity
• Currency

Electronic commerce ( e-commerce ) is the buying and selling of goods over the
internet. Three basic types of e-commerce are:
• Business to consumer
• Business to business – online banking, online stock trading and online shopping
• Consumer to consumer – auction house sites and person – to – person auction sites.
Security is the greatest challenge for e-commerce development. Three basic payment are check, credit card and digital cash.

Web utilities are specialized utility programs that make using the internet and the web easier and safer. Web based applications free users from owning and storing applications. FTP ( file transfer protocol ) is an internet standard for transferring
Files. Plug – ins are automatically loaded and operate as part of browser. Filters are used by parents and organizations to block certain sites and to monitor use of the internet and the web. Internet security suite is a collection of utility programs designed to protect your privacy and the security on the internet.

Aktiviku spnjg cuti mid sem

Assalamualaikum kpd smua yg membaca. Mari kita sama2 ikuti kisah cuti mid sem sy yang pertama di UiTM Segamat. Pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad, sy hnya kluar rumah utk pergi ke majlis perkahwinan anak kawan-kawan ayah dan ibu sy. Keesokan harinya, sy pergi ke majlis reunion pelajar2 Sains tingkatan 6 di Summit Parade ( pusat membeli belah terkemuka di Batu Pahat ). Sedang sy merehatkan diri selepas penat berjalan, sy mndpt panggilan dr ibu sy yg memberitahu bahawa adik sy akn ditahan di wad Hospital Batu Pahat kerana demam denggi. Ibu sy berpesan kpd sy utk bersiap sedia kerana sy yg akn menjaganya pd mlm tersebut ( aduh, tak bestnya kna tido hospital.) Sy terpaksa menjaga adik sy di hospital selama 2 mlm ( bosan tau tido hospital. Jd, jga la kesihatan anda agar tak kna tido hospital. Hehehe…). Keesokan harinya iaitu hri Rabu adik sy tlh dibenarkan keluar ( huh, nasib baik. Kalo tak, kna la saya tido hospital lagi.). Pd tepat jam 6.30ptg, sy dan smua jiran2 sy diminta keluar dr rumah kerana rumah2 kami akan di ‘forging’. Habis semua brg2 dlm rmh sy berminyak. Selepas selesai sesi forging di rumah sy, sy dan keluarga terpaksa menumpang solat magrib di rumah saudara sy kerana rumah kami dipenuhi dgn asap dan makan di kedai mkn di Tasik Y ( pusat riadah yg terkemuka di Batu Pahat ). Pada mlm tu juga kami sekeluarga mengadakan gotong-royong membersihkan rumah dan barang2 kami yg berminyak akibat dr forging tersebut. Setakat ini shaja rsanya crta st sbb dah tak ada bnda menarik yg berlaku sehinggalah hri Ahad yg dinanti2kn utk pulang semula ke UiTM Segamat yg dicintai.

Kpd semua yg membaca, terima ksh krana sudi membaca. Yg baik dtgnya dr Allah dan yg buruk dtgnya dr diri sy sndiri. Yg baik jdkn tauladan dan yg buruk jdkn sempadan. Selamat kembali meneruskn perjuangan anda msg2. Assalamualaikum…

Summary for Chapter 3

In this chapter, there are 6 subtopics: application software, word processors, spreadsheet, database management systems, presentation graphics, integrated packages and software suites.

In application software, there are two basic types of software. System software focuses on handling technical details. Application software focuses on completing specific tasks or applications. Two categories are basic application and specialized applications.

Word processors allow you to create, edit, save and print text-based documents, including flyers, reports, newsletters and web pages.

Spreadsheet programs are used to organize, analyze and graph numeric data. The tree most widely used spreadsheet programs are Microsoft Excel, Corel Quattro Pro and Lotus 1-2-3.

A database management system also known as database manager, structures database and provides tools for entering, editing and retrieving data. The tree most widely used database management systems designed for microcomputers are Microsoft Access, Corel Paradox and Lotus Approach.

Presentation Graphics combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. They are excellent tools to communicate a message and to persuade people. Three most widely used presentation graphics programs are Microsoft Power Point, Corel Presentation and Lotus Freelance Graphics.

Integrated Packages also known as personal or home software, is a single program that provides the functionality of several application packages. The most widely used integrated packages are Microsoft Works and Apple Works.

A software suite collection of individuals application packages sold together.
• Productivity Suites ( business suites )
• Personal Suites ( home suites )
• Specialized Suites
• Utility Suites

Summary for 7/1/2009

In this chapter, I am able to know the five parts of an information system: people, procedures, software, hardware and data. People are the most essential part of an information system. Procedures are rules, guidelines to follow when using software, hardware and data. Software provides step-by-step instructions to control the computer to convert data into information. Hardware is the physical equipment of a microcomputer. Data is unprocessed facts.

There are two major kinds of software: system software and application software. System software enables application software to interact with computer hardware. It consists of a variety programs: Operating system, utilities and computer drivers. Application software includes basic and specialized applications. Basic applications are widely used in nearly all career areas. Specialized applications focus on specific disciplines and occupations.

Hardware is the physical equipment in an information system. Supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer and microcomputer are four types of computer. Microcomputers can be desktop, notebook, tablet PC or handheld (palm). PDAs are the most widely used handheld computer. There are four basic categories of hardware devices: system units, input/output devices, secondary storage and communication devices.

Data is the raw facts unprocessed about something. Common file types include:
• Document files
• Worksheet files
• Database files
• Presentation files

Connectivity is a concept describing the ability of end users to tap into resources well beyond their desktops. Networks are connected computer that share data and resources. The wireless revolution is the widespread and increasing use mobile (wireless) communication devices. The internet is the world’s largest computer network. The web provides a multimedia interface to resources available on the internet.